Potential candidates, please submit your resume to careers@dillonaero.com.
The Dillon name embodies more than a business model. It represents a heritage of honor and innovation. Both Dillon Precision and Dillon Aero were assembled on a simple philosophy: build the best products, sell them at a fair price, and always treat the customer in the way you wish to be treated. Dillon products are superior in their cutting-edge design, as evidenced by their reliability and ease of use. It is a devotion to quality that drives everyone at Dillon. We realize that in combat situations, lives can depend on M134D employment, hence, the gun must function perfectly every time. This sense of support for the war fighter is instilled in every Dillon Aero employee. The Dillon team consists of men and women dedicated to the safety and performance of those in uniform, whether in the role of military, law enforcement, or other first responders. Our staff is largely comprised of veterans, individuals who have proven their leadership and integrity both on and off the fields of combat. With more than two decades of history and proven performance behind us, Dillon remains committed to building the best. After all, our name is our reputation.
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