Dillon Aero’s FTZ is strategically designed to provide innovative solutions for defense-industry clients with unique procurement, import/export, assembly, storage, testing, and training needs
An FTZ serves as a “secure area” that may defer the application of customs duties as well as certain import barriers under the Gun Control Act of1968 (GCA) and National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA).
Dillon Aero is fully licensed under federal law for firearms and explosives operations and registered as an importer for defense articles, allowing it to solve complex logistical problems for our clients.
The Dillon Aero FTZ can assist companies in the United States in: Procurement, Storage, Testing and Training with foreign weapon systems, ammunition, vehicles, computers, telephones, tablets, electronics, and SIM cards from around the world.
Serving as the first weapons FTZ to have proving ground capability, our site includes a 6 acre area that can be used for testing and training, as well as a Type II Explosives Bunker for storage.