Toyota 70-Series Land Cruiser Turret Support System
Part Number: DGV4100
The Dillon Aero 70 Series Land Cruiser Turret Support System is a bed-mounted structural cage and crew platform for the Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series. Atop the tube steel cage is fixed turret base, purpose built for the Dillon Aero MMC and MMC-R Turret Systems. A stationary gunner platform located beneath the turret base gives operators stable footing and height adjustability. Also installed and protected by the cage are dual jump seats situated for rapid ingress and egress.
Conscious of performance, the lightweight, rigid construction weighs in well under 250 pounds and serves as an excellent bolt-on solution for vehicles intended for civil protection or combat technical vehicle roles.
Fixed Gunner Platform
Steel Tube Cage
Turret Ring
Installation of the 70 Series Turret Support System to the rear bed frame of the Land Cruiser is simple. The bolt pattern on the cage is used as a template to mark the body for quick hardware outfitting and minor modifications. Remaining parts, accessories and ancillary equipment attach directly to utility rails or system supports. The Gunners Platform, as it is elevated above the floor of the bed, also prevents ejected brass from accumulating underneath the feet of operators.